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Looking to sell your M3? Please email us the following details! 100% free! No charge.


If the photos are too large and they're not sending, you can send an email to my personal email or send 4-5 emails with 4-5 photos in each email (With full sized photos)


(Copy & Paste this into the email and fill out please)



Year - 

Asking Price - 

Miles - 

Transmission - 

Your Location - 

Details, mods, maintenance, notes etc - 

VIN number - 





You can fill out the form to your liking. We don't need to have all the contact details, as long as it's 1 of them. Thanks!




No charge and it's free to post! We do have donations open and they are SUPER appreciated! You can donate via PayPal or Venmo.


We've had donations from $2 to $500. Every single dollar helps so much! Thank you! - Spencer


Please send 10+ photos

(Exterior, interior, engine, trunk, carbon roof, at the shop, close up of any damage, back seats, front seats, picture of miles, etc). Doesn't have to be exact, but just some ideas to help!


- You can send multiple emails if needed or upload your photos into a Dropbox or Google Drive, but please make sure the photos are high resolution/full size. No screenshots or low quality photos please. Better photos will help sell a car much faster along with look better online.


- If you have the original MSRP or the window sticker that would help as well! We also recommend sending over the CarFax if you have it. If you don't have this information, it's not a problem. Same goes for photos, just send over what you can and we will help!


- Make sure your car is clean in the photos. A quick vacuum goes a long way, or just slap your floor mats a few times before snapping pics. For privacy reasons, you can also make sure your address isn't in the background if you care.


- Please don't forget to include your contact info!! Instagram, Phone Number, Email etc - some people don't use Instagram so they can't DM you, or some don't want their phone numbers out there so they prefer email. Send what you're comfortable with. Thanks!


- Allow for 2-4 days to be posted since we tend to have a lot of cars in line. We will respond if there's any missing information that we need or that we recommend. Thank you so much!



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